Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Finding love

To say life had been rough was an understatement, but that was life as far as Emma was concerned. Since she was little, it had been one hurdle after the other, until it got to the point to where Emma became a little cold hearted and a little difficult to maintain a relationship with. Not that she really minded, after all, she didn't need anyone besides herself. She'd never even though of settling down in all the years that she'd lived. Didn't want kids or pets or a lover or friends, she was just happy as long as she was never tied down to one place for long.
Now, that wasn't to say she didn't have relationships or had a few friends before, she even had a dog once. She left that tiny town after his passing though, and she was by no means a virgin, she was actually quite schooled in the bedroom if she did say so herself. Never had a single pregnancy scare either. Extremely discreet as well. She wasn't demanding, except in the bedroom of course, didn't ask for emotions or I love yous or pretty things, just asked for a good time which was what any willing man would do as far as she was concerned.
She was a little jaded, she knew, a little bittersweet was all and that made her all the better.
However as generations passed she grew a little lonely and began to long for her own companion, more accurately for a child of her own.
She had gone from place to place, watched neighbors and friends grow old, marry, have children, watched them from afar and seen the bond they formed playing with their little ones, a bond that she began to long for and caused an ache in her heart every time she saw a child or a mother walking with her baby.
Dragon Valley seemed like as good as place as any, a small town on the edge of the ocean surrounded on all sides by mountains. It was completely isolated. The townfolk kept to themselves, didn't like to be nosy, but they were friendly. It fit her she thought, at least until her baby was old enough to move around with her.
On her first evening there, Emma went to a rally at the town hall. She had no idea what was going on but it was fun jumping up and down and screaming about the unfairness of the world. Until she accidentally bumped into the man protesting next to her. His lilac skin was different from anything she'd ever seen before, matching the dark violet of his eyes that she fell in love with.
He introduced himself as Breandan O'Shea and I knew. He was the one.
She had her mission and she was determined to complete it. Now, only came the deal of convincing Breandan of it....which proved to be a hellava lot harder then she thought. Breandan was a prude! It was simple to get the kissing down and even a bit of touching, but the second she started to remove clothes, he backed away and was out the door in a flash. If she hadn't of known better she would have sworn that Mr. Investigator was a virgin....
Growing frustrated with every failed attempt, Emma finally turned her attentions to Breandan's younger brother, whom she'd met the same night at the rally and had quickly become best friends with. Kearney was far more easily manipulated then his mint green haired brother, hopefully Emma would be able to convince Kearney to sleep with her to have a baby. She'd done a fertility spell to increase her chances, and even though Kearney wasn't the one she wanted, he had the same genes, mint green skin and eyes with lilac colored hair-the opposite of his brother's-but the genetics she wanted. That was what counted.
So she invited the poor boy over to her house and she set to work convincing him to give her what she wanted. It didn't take long for her to get him stripped and in between her thighs where he stayed the whole night long....He became a regular in her home, spending so many nights there that he'd practically moved in. Patches had even taken a liking to him, well Patches and her four kittens. All except Nautilus. That was one feisty and unfriendly cat if she ever did see one. Almost feral.
Within three weeks of the first night, she knew she was pregnant.
Finding this out, she began to distance herself from Kearney unintentionally and unnoticed to her, Kearney began to spend less and less time with her and more time at home until one day none of his stuff remained. Emma had been too caught up in her pregnancy bliss-finally, her own baby-that she hadn't noticed Kearney slowly slipping away until one day she woke up to silence except the mews of
the cats. To her shock there was nothing of Kearney's there anymore. She sat down and began to cry.

For the first time in a long time, she cried.
Emma simply chalked it up to pregnancy hormones.
As Emma continued to watch her stomach grow with her child, the memories of the O'Shea brothers began to fade until they were barely a distant memory and her only focus was on her child. Love was not in her sights nor did she want it to be. She had her child and that was all that she wanted.

As Patches' kittens grew older and were weaned, Emma decided that it was time to name them, get their papers and medical work done, then put them up for adoption. So she called the vet to set up an appointment in town the same day as her doctor's appointment. The day quickly approached and Emma had to call a taxi to take all the kittens with her. She dropped them off at the vet's before going to her routine checkup. Within 30 minutes she was back in the vet's office where she could hear feisty kitten yowling at the doctor. As quickly as she could, she waddled to the doctor's aide. She quickly soothed the almost feral cat. Thankfully today she had decided to like Emma.

Walking out the doors much, much later. Emma felt fairly satisfied with the day's events. The kittens wrapped around her ankles as they rode home in the taxi and she used her phone to put up an ad for them.

Within a few days a Genie and Werewolf were at her door. After hours of visiting and playing with the kittens and congratulations on her pregnancy. Her new friends who might actually last.

That day they went home with Eleanor and Zoey. The very next day a woman with skin the color of blood with hair that matched with black roots and eyes the color of coal showed up at her door. That evening the witch went home with Llia, which was a surprise to Emma. She had expected that the witch would take home the feral Nautilus. But instead she took home the quiet but destructive LIia. To each their own.

Patches was depressed, barely eating, spending most of the time in her bed. Until I reminded her that she was a free cat and could probably go wandering the town to visit them. She zoomed off after that, spending most days gone.

Nautilus, however, remained for days and weeks until Emma was forced to accept the fact that cat was staying and wasn't going anywhere anytime soon. Of course, one night Emma woke up with startling sharp pains in her abdomen that she knew could only be one thing and when her water broke in the shower, well she didn't have time to make it to the hospital before little Mercedes was born. Emma's pride and joy.

It wasn't long after that that Braeden showed up on her doorstep with a bouquet of roses and an apology, much to Emma's surprise. Seeing little Mercedes, he questioned if he was too late. Emma quickly came up with a sob story of her sister dying in a childbirth after Mercedes father left. Told him that her and her sister were the only ones left and now her sister gone...Emma and Mercedes were it.

Braedan, of course, bought it.

He immediately took to the little girl and as she grew, he grew closer to little Mercedes and was just like a father to her. Thankfully, though, he never questioned her lilac colored hair.

Then one day Braedan made the remark of her little abode being too small for the growing family. The next day at dinner he proposed moving to a new home on the other side of town much bigger then this one and far more suited for the growing family.

Emma agreed, ecstatic. Despite not wanting love in her life, she did care deeply for Braedan and she wanted her daughter to have as normal a childhood as possible. It wasn't long after the move though that Emma found she was pregnant...this time with Braedan's child. Well, two wouldn't be so bad. At least then Mercedes would have someone to grow up playing with. Emma sometimes missed her brothers and sisters and couldn't imagine the isolation of being a single child. It was good that her daughter would have someone too.
Sorry for the lack of pictures. I had them all saved and then my computer crashed and I lost them all.  

1 comment:

  1. Interesting start! I think I read this before, but it has been awhile, so it was nice refresh my old mind. ;)
